Booklet Creator is a small yet handy application that, as its name says, is meant to help you create booklets. It lets you create booklets from PDF documents in a simple manner: by loading PDF documents and folding and reordering their pages so that upon printing they come out as small books.
It's still quite handy despite the fact that it comes with a few limitations. For example, it works only with PDF documents. No other file format is supported. Furthermore, the PDF document that is meant to be used for creating the booklet must come with "portrait" paper orientation. It also cannot work with password-protected PDFs.
Anyway, Booklet Creator is really easy-to-use. Its interface is neat, straightforward and simple. Though very simple, Booklet Creator still offers a couple of options. For example, you may choose a specific range of pages from the PDF document to print. You can also choose a PDF sheet size or set a "Pages per booklet" value that helps you create booklets from large documents that are not suitable for folding.
Cutting long story short, Booklet Creator is a nice tool and a good choice for a quick booklet creation, despite its limitations.